Toppings & Dust
Toppings or Dust is used as an alternative to concrete or paved driveways or paths. Once compacted it will form a hard firm surface leaving a slight stone finish on top. Toppings is generally used for driveways and dust is generally used for paths. As a guide it should be applied to a depth of 75-100mm for a driveway and 30-50mm for a path. You can use a more economical crushed rock to fill your depth of 75-100mm and use the toppings or dust at a depth of 30-50mm, as the top decorative surface. Using a vibrating plate will ensure the best results; we hire out our vibrating plates!
Toppings is made up of an aggregate stone the size of 7-10mm mixed with dust.
Dust is crushed granite with a size of 5mm to 0mm.